Monday, September 30, 2019


It was first developed in England in the 17th century. In the year 1827, The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O) was the first to offer scheduled freight and passenger service to the public in the US and quickly became the prime mover of people and goods. Due to the rapid increase in demand, importance and feasibility, rail tracks could be laid anywhere and the volume of land potentially available for development expanded tremendously.In the beginning it was difficult o predict with certainty which sites with rail road access will be in demand and at what price. Soon Railroads became the principle mode of transportation and areas started depending on rail access for growth and survival. Many municipalities also paid subsidies to private rail road firms to provide service to their communities. The giant rail road companies not only received the right-of-way from the government but also millions of acres of land along their proposed route. The companies got half the land within 6 to 40 mil es of the right-of-way and the government retained the other half.The companies sold some of their land at appreciated prices and also retained vast acreage so that they can mortgage it and get capital. This turned out to be a good idea especially when politicians and citizens tried to force the sale of land. Over the years, railroad companies have retained ownership of immense quantity of urban and rural land. The land has been sold, leased, developed and has been used for all purposes. Even today, in many cities, rail road companies are still the biggest private land owners. Some of them have even formed real estate divisions to get greater returns on their assets.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

As I Get Older, My Toys Cost More Essay

As I mature, pursue my education, expand my interests, and become more involved in the working world, I am introduced to more technology and different types of people.   As my education is increased, the need and desire for technology to accompany this education increases as well, i.e., computers, lap tops, DVD burners, etc.   With these expanding horizons and increased contacts come responsibilities for higher priced socializing. Technological advancements and improvements occur at incremental rates compared to just 5-10 years ago. Technological advances are centered in transportation, medicine, and entertainment categories.   Examples of entertainment technology that have been introduced in just the last 3 years include Apple’s IPOD and all the existing technological paraphernalia that accompany it.   With innovation and improvement come higher price tags.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a woman who values education, I desire to purchase books rather than rent from the library in many instances.   Purchasing titles by classics writers are relatively inexpensive, but the investment is more costly than buying the teen magazine or weekly magazine that I have now outgrown.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a part of the working world, I am continually introduced to new people, making new friends along the way   As I get older, my interests naturally are more involved and intricate and therefore cost more money.   Examples of this are the theater, ballet, symphonies, etc.   These are all more expensive than a weekend movie, or even buying a new movie DVD on the market. . New friends introduce me to their interests.   Therefore, socializing and participating in these events can cost more money than a quick lunch at Taco Bell when I was in high school.   In comparison, when I was younger, playing at the park or playground cost nothing.   Shopping with a pre-teen friend meant insignificant little purchases, i.e., gum, candy, inexpensive jewelry. Naturally, as I continue throughout my lifetime in the working world in the career of my choice, my success will naturally bring with it a higher income.   The higher income will allow me the freedom to buy â€Å"toys† I would not have been able to consider as a younger woman.   Economic freedom frequently comes with age, continued education, and experience.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Financial Markets & institutions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Markets & institutions - Assignment Example They have low interest rates in terms of a constant fixed rate or settled upon maturity and are short term. The Aljazira capital Document 2014 document covers issues that appertain to: calendar anomalies, the effect of valuation on the performance of a company in the market and technical pointers in a trending market among others. Some of the anomalies include the best performance of the index upon trading on the first day of the week with a strategy of selling the holdings on Sunday and avoiding to buy them on the same day. The other anomaly includes the monthly returns differentiated across that necessitates investing in a short-term gain before the Ramadhan period. Shadow banking is an interconnection of specific financial institutions that have no banking permits like Money markets and Special Purpose Entity Conduits (Brycce, 2000) meant to inspect and ensure secure funding from the savers to investors of finances. Shadow banks transform home mortgages into securities through mortgages being regarded as a pack of loans to back up a security sold by investors. On the other hand, Conventional banks raise funds through the depositors who have surplus and through lending to other individuals who have limited funds. Brycce, H. (2000). Financial and strategic management for non-profit organizations: a comprehensive reference to legal, financial, management, and operations rules and guidelines for non-profits. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 3rd Edition,

The President Can Only Read One Page (Line from US TV Series The West Essay - 1

The President Can Only Read One Page (Line from US TV Series The West Wing) - Essay Example You’ll remember this was a major issue during the financial crisis as Goldman Sachs was advising clients on investments, while making investments that ran counter to the very equities they were recommending. This is bad for us because it limits our activities and the amount of revenue we can bring in. There are a number of potential arguments you can adopt. One perspective contends that just because Goldman Sachs was morally bankrupt doesn’t mean that the entire industry needs to suffer ("Sec pitches budget," 2012). Another perspective argues that implementing the Volcker Rule will unnecessarily restrict banking and investment in the United States. Additionally, individuals have argued that if this regulation passed it would hurt the banks’ abilities to compete internationally (Patterson, 2012). While these are strong arguments, it may also be more effective by arguing that its passage should be delayed and reconsidered ("Dodd-frank criticism roundup:," 2012). Dodd-frank act - sec. (2012). Retrieved from Khimm, S. (2012). Banks’ preemptive strike against dodd-frank. Retrieved from

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Network Security Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Network Security Plan - Term Paper Example The physical security will involve securing network cables and servers from intruders. The intruders might originate from within the organization or from outside. Response teams in case of any intrusion will include people like the network security companies or the information technology department within an organization. The response plan to network failure may include having some redundant network cables laid down within the building. The wireless network will provide response plan by having multiple access points covering the same area. The security plan will try to identify what network infrastructure is easily accessible by intruders to the network. Different forms of validation will be proposed to prevent unauthorized person from accessing the network. The network will be evaluated by inviting white hat hackers to try and hack into the network. The hackers will provide a list detailing weaknesses in the network together with some improvement proposals. The incidence response wi ll provide situations where third party organization provides the infrastructure to run the organization in times of crisis. Some of the infrastructure providers are the telephone company providing their line for network connection while the fiber optic cable is down. Incident Response 4 Support 5 Vulnerability assessment 6 Code injection leak test 6 Substation leak test 7 Network scanning 7 Manual testing on passwords 8 Carrying out vulnerability tests in links 8 Physical Security 9 Spyware 9 Incidence response policy /Team 10 Incident Response The network users will face a denial to service incidence. The incidence will involve denying authorized users of the network crucial services like accessing mails over the network. The incidence can be caused by things like hackers flooding the network with data that are not needed by the users of the network. Such flooding will slow down the network, and workers cannot even read an email using the organization network. The occurrence of de nial of service is a common thing within companies which might lead to dissatisfaction of customers and workers. Mitigation of such incidence would involve setting up firewalls within the network to identify any unwanted packets in the network. Response plan would involve purchasing packet scanning software. The software will identify packets that are flooding the organization network and their origin machine. The packets once identified termination of the network connection to the machines flooding the network should be carried out immediately. The backup network can be used at this situation leaving out the flooded network. Switching to the network will ensure the network runs at the preferred speed and delivery of service continues as planned. Another incident would be breakage of the backbone network which might be a fiber optic cable. The breakage of the cable might have been caused by vandals or natural calamities like floods, earth quakes and earth drift. Such situations woul d mean zero connection to the Internet because the network infrastructures are down. Having a redundant network connection from an Internet service provider can provide a response plan. The redundant network connection should be using totally different infrastructure to reduce the probability of the two networks not working. One of the infrastructures can be a network provider using satellite to provide connection. The satellite connection

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

An Analysis of Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club Essay

An Analysis of Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club - Essay Example Four sets of mothers and daughters, namely, (1) Ying-Ying St. Claire and Lena, (2) Suyuan Woo and Jing-Mei, (3) Lindo Jong and Waverly, and (4) An-Mei Hsu and Rose, are divided along the lines of culture and generation. The mothers, or the older generation, are still attached to the ancestral tradition of their native soil. In contrast, the daughters, or the younger generation, caught between their ancestral background and their Westernized education, are having a great difficulty integrating into Western culture. However, Jing-Mei is compelled to take on a ‘different mindset’ when she is summoned by the Joy Luck Club to continue the membership of her deceased mother. Jing-Mei is anxious that she may not possess the character to take the place of her mother, but the other mothers view her ‘being there’ as a chance to restore their ties with their own daughters. The mothers help Jing-Mei rediscover her heritage and her ties with her mother by guiding her in r ecreating her mother’s memoirs. Jing-Mei, in the end, accomplishes the dying hope of her mother to locate the children she abandoned in China, and her personal hope to restore her ties with her half-siblings and her ancestral identity. So what does this say about Jing-Mei’s relationship with her mother? The mother-daughter relationship between Jing-Mei and Suyuan is burdened with disagreement, mostly due to generational gap, but in the end founded on empathy, affinity, and devotion for one another. Due to major disparities in their upbringing, cultural backgrounds, and experiences, this mother and daughter have plenty of clashing beliefs and values. These problems, besides their severed connection, brought a lot of problems throughout their relationship. Jing-Mei even admits: â€Å"My mother and I never really understood each other. We translated each other’s meanings and I seemed to hear less than what was said, while my mother heard more† (Tan 2006, 37) . These gaps are bridged when Jing-Mei rediscovers the life story of her mother and appreciates their generational differences. Likewise, An-Mei Hsu and Rose have opposing perspectives on life. This clash can be attributed to the fact that Rose has been reared in a totally different culture from that of her ancestral tradition. She does not have sympathy for her mother’s beliefs and life perspective. Rose thinks her mother is not being true to herself when she expressed resentment against her impending divorce. She believes this because she witnessed when her mother became distrustful of religion. Nevertheless, when looking at this mother-daughter relationship, it becomes apparent that their connection is sustained by the strength of An-Mei. She tries to instill in her daughter the strength of facing one’s own problems and fears. Rose and An-Mei confront generational differences as well because Rose chooses an American husband. Thus, when her mother tries to persuade h er to keep her marriage, Rose says, â€Å"think[s] it’s that my mother wants me to fight divorce† (Tan 2006, 117). Evidently, this mother-daughter relationship is burdened with conflict because of cultural differences and generational gaps. As illustrated, they would attempt to accomplish totally different answers to the same issues. Rose only wants happiness for herself—a Westernized attitude-- whereas An-Mei tries to persuade

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparison and contrast essay Anchorage,Alaska and Key West Florida

Comparison and contrast Anchorage,Alaska and Key West Florida - Essay Example Perhaps. Key West, Florida and Anchorage, Alaska may be thousands of miles apart geographically and culturally, but in some ways, they are practically next door neighbors. The first striking difference between these two cities is obviously geography and climate. Key West is the westernmost island of the archipelago known as The Florida Keys. Close proximity to the Tropic of Capricorn and the warm currents of the Caribbean Sea give Key West a balmy average temperature of 82oF. Add to this an annual rainfall of nearly 40 inches per year and you have a pleasant climate capable of supporting a host of interesting vegetation while providing many hours of sunny weather to enjoy the waters surrounding the island. Of course, any city that has taken on the title of â€Å"Southernmost City in America† had better have plenty of warm weather and sunshine to back up their claim. Anchorage, while not the northernmost city in America is a great deal different than Key West. One has no need to look beyond the raw numbers to see that two more different cities could not be found in America in regards to geography and climate. Anchorage boasts and average annual temperature of 35oF with an average annual precipitation of just 16 inches (most of it of the frozen variety)(Hoare, 2008). Though summer days can reach into the mid 70’s, summer and winter weather is unpredictable in Anchorage. 40oF swings in temperature have been known to occur within the space of several hours. Anchorage enjoys long summer days due to its high latitude, but the subarctic climate surrounding the city dissuades most people from spending those summer days swimming in the frigid coastal waters nearby. An additional geographic feature that makes Anchorage much different that Key West is the nearby presence of active volcanoes. Occasional ash accumulation from these volcanoes poses a slight

Monday, September 23, 2019

History of Geothermal energy and its effects on environment Essay

History of Geothermal energy and its effects on environment - Essay Example It has been observed that biological environment is also affected largely by the abovementioned factors due to the geothermal energy. Moreover, socio-economic effects of the geothermal energy have also been observed by the experts. In Iceland, development of geothermal resources was considered for a study by the launching of an enforcement program in the year 1995. Geothermal plants in Iceland were studied, in order to understand the impact of high-heat fields of geothermal energy in the country. Since the year 1997, a number of projects are under way according to the regulations of Geothermal Implement Agreement by the International Energy Association. Historically, R&D programs of various governments have included geothermal energy as one of the renewable sources of energy along with the options of solar, biomass, wind, etc. One of the major characteristics that have been studied and found by the experts since years is its low emissions of greenhouse gases that make it one of the environmental friendly sources of energy. However, certain limits can be observed in the friendly nature of geothermal energy, as an entire industry could be discredited due to any attempts of obscuring production of this energy. The Bruntland Commission was the first one to derive the proper sustainability of geothermal environment in terms of the environment. According to this commission, production levels of geothermal energy can be sustained for a long period by the production systems of this source of energy. 1 Due to such efficient sustainability of geothermal energy, economic goals and objectives are also being considered by the investors due to i ts capability of quick payback. Such energy has also been considered for the production of various equipments, which are providing huge revenues to the investors. One of the most significant examples is the geysers, which is providing enormous profits to the investors with the utilization of geothermal energy resource. 2 Since

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Bachelor of Arts Essay Example for Free

Bachelor of Arts Essay 1.1 FedEx Corporation Overview FedEx Corporation provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business services. With annual revenue of US$ 27 billion, the company offers integrated business application through operating companies competing collectively and managed collaboratively, under the respected FedEx brand. Consistently ranked among the worlds most admired and trusted employers, FedEx inspires its more than 250,000 employees and contractors to remain absolutely, positively focused on safety, the highest ethical and professional standards and the needs of their customers and communities. 1.2 Strategic Initiatives Currently, with its exposure to volatile fuel prices, high capital expenditures, and thin margins, FedEx can not stand up to the rigorous rule maker quantitative criteria, but its brand power is a perfect example of a sustainable competitive advantage. FedEx ships over 3 million packages a day. Along the route, those packages, the planes that carry them, the trucks that deliver them, and the people that handle them leave impressions on customers. FedEx recognizes that with every box it delivers and every person that delivers it, a brand impression is made. Brand equity is certainly significant to FedEx since its products and services are less differentiated in this fast changing dynamic competitive market. To remake the corporate image in order to extend and enhance its brand equity is one of the key strategic initiatives that has initiated by the management of FedEx Corporation recently. Other strategic initiatives are to focus on the growth of core package business and supply chain capabilities, and growth through e-commerce and technology, and new services and alliances. 2. DESIGN OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2.1 HRMS of FedEx FedEx Human Resources develop policies, programs and procedures that not only attract, but also retain the most qualified, talented and diverse employees. To this end, Human Resources have implemented successful recruitment, development and Employee relation programs. The Corporate HR function consists of 45 employees who provide human resources support for the entire FedEx Organization. The overall headcount for this team has not changed in over four years even though the employee base has grown by greater than 30%. Most key programs are linked to the companys diversity strategy to build value and manage a diverse workforce that reflects the rich mix of persons available in the Communities. The HR team regularly attends diversity recruiting career fairs and supports both local and national organizations committed to the development of women and minorities. HR has sought to automate and introduce electronic processes, in order to streamline its various staff function. These include the introduction of an electronic company wide web based Internal Career Opportunities Program (ICOP), that provides employees anytime/anywhere access to available opportunities within the company. Employees can search, apply and be notified of open positions within the organization by logging on to the site. Managers, can also initiate the employment process and receive approval electronically via an on-line employment requisitioning process. The major obstacle that needed to be addressed in the alignment of these two major programs was accessibility, communication and education. Employees were encouraged to submit their personal profiles so that they could receive automatic notifications from the system when positions for which they qualified became available. FedEx has developed a proactive staffing model for its facilities. This program allows the Field organization to add management staffing before the need exists. Recruiting, sourcing and training are done 20 weeks before the individual is expected to begin their career as a service manager. By accessing the HR website, both employees and Managers can obtain a wide variety of information geared to keep their employment information current, provide easy access to employment information (employee handbook) as well as provide access to benefits information and employee centered programs. Online access to the HR Web is available from home and work to all employees. 2.2 VRIO Framework Analysis Value FedEx managers stress that they are a people-first organization. The corporate philosophy statement sums up their view of the source of competitive advantage: People-Service-Profit. FedEx discovered a long time ago that customer satisfaction really begins with employee satisfaction. In other words, the FedEx philosophy is that people are the primary link in the value chain, and thus, value is created by focusing on employees first. Rareness FedEx value and capitalize on the differences of their employees with diversity education programs such as Gender Speak, Delivering Diversity, Introducing Diversity, and Valuing Differences. One of its most successful programs RESPECT provides a process where employees can work together to resolve their differences. Therefore, it would exercise tremendous potential to exploit the rare characteristics of its employees for competitive advantage. Imitability FedEx worked closely with the University of Memphis, established the FedEx Institute of Technology, a unique public-private collaboration designed to advance world-class interdisciplinary research and introduce a new generation of highly skilled graduates to the workforce. The company has more than 219,000 employees globally and expects the alliance will help develop a highly skilled recruitment pool. Organization FedEx is committed to fostering an employee focused culture. It has a well-developed and thoroughly deployed management evaluation system, which involves a survey of employees, analysis of each work groups results by the work groups manager, and a discussion between the manager and the work group to develop written action plans for the manager to improve and become more effective. Data processed are aggregated at all levels of the organization for use in policymaking. Employees are free to share their opinions with management and in turn, work towards the resolution of internal issues within their department by participating on their action planning teams. 3. EMPLOYEE SKILL, MOTIVATION, JOB DESIGN WORK STRUCTURES FedEx has a clear goal to have people who are committed, motivated and well trained. Here are some of the tools and techniques that they have developed: 3.1 Selection FedEx Corp is proactive targeting of candidate sources leads to a richer pool of applicants and enables company to reach better candidates faster. They worked closely with the University of Memphis, established the FedEx Institute of Technology, a unique public-private collaboration designed to advance world-class interdisciplinary research and introduce a new generation of highly skilled graduates to the workforce. FedEx had created a multi-national, multi-lingual recruitment assessment system in identifying candidates most suited to the jobs on offer and capable of operating to the companys global standards and values. 3.2 FedEx Compensation Rewarding System FedExs bonus program is driven by goal sharing. This program encourages employees to achieve strategic goals by basing individual bonus levels on corporate and business unit goals, up to 10% of an employees total compensation. FedExs formula for calculating bonuses includes corporate variables such as contributed operating margin, corporate ROE, net sales, customer returns, shipped kilometers and total unit cost. Putting people first means that FedEx is dynamic in both reward and recognition. For hourly paid staff the pay is geared to individual performance. However, to encourage good team working, there is also a team based Best Practice Pays element. The pay for performance of salaried staff is based upon measures relating to the companys key philosophy. 3.3 Performance Reviews FedEx is a very performance-based company. Every person knows upfront what his performance objectives are and he also knows upfront what he can earn. So the crux of People Service People is a fairly laborious performance management and compensation system. If a person fails in his performance, then the person does not get disciplined, but he gets pulled into a constructive action plan. Employees are encouraged to identify their weaknesses through a personal development programme (PDP). These could be general things like communication skills or dealing with conflicts in the workplace. FedEx has an online training library with 600 courses on things like leadership, project management skills, even something as basic as presentation skills. Employees can log in and take any course, but need to pass. 3.4 Staff Survey The annual staff survey is considered to be one of FedExs biggest business improvement tools. A total of 32 questions are answered electronically in business time over a period of two weeks and participation has increased from 97% to 98%. 4. PRODUCTIVITY, CREATIVITY DISCRETIONARY EFFORT By competing collectively under the FedEx banner, FedEx in service companies benefit from one of the worlds most documented brands. FedEx is one of the most trusted and a respected brand in the world and its brand name is a powerful sales and marketing tool. Among the many reputation awards FedEx conventional during 2004, FedEx ranked seventh in corporate reputation on The Wall Street Journals Harris Interactive/Reputation Institute RQ Gold Survey, and for the third consecutive year, FedEx ranked in the top ten of FORTUNE magazines Americas Most Admired Companies and Worlds Most Admired Companies lists. FedEx is the only transportation company and one of the very few companies overall to rank this highly in all three reputation surveys. FedEx ranked highest in customer satisfaction in the University of Michigan Business School National Quality Research Centers American Customer Satisfaction Index in the parcel delivery category. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., the worlds largest retailer, also selected FedEx as the recipient of its Carrier of the Year award. BusinessWeek recognized FedEx Kinkos in the magazines Web Smart 50 report for the companys innovative use of Internet technology to transform business processes and reduce costs. FedEx is well recognized as a leader, not only in the transportation industry and technological innovation, but also in social and environmental responsibility and corporate governance. Along with a strong reputation among customers and the general public, FedEx is widely acknowledged as a great place to work. In 2004, FedEx was listed among FORTUNEs 100 Best Companies to Work for in America, a list that FedEx have made every year it has been published. It is FedEx people-FedEx greatest asset-that give FedEx it strong reputation. In addition to superior physical and information networks, FedEx has an exemplary human network, with more than 240,000 employees and contractors who are absolutely, positively focused on safety, the highest ethical and professional standards and the needs of their customers and communities. Through FedEx internal Purple Promise and Humanitarian Award programs, FedEx recognize and reward employees who enhance customer service and promote human welfare. 5. IMPROVED OPERATING PERFORMANCE As discussed previously, new strategic role for HRM is very significant for the organizations advancement. System thinking among the line and HR manger is the first step. The performance management and incentive compensation system must define desire employee behavior and reward those behaviors in meaningful way when goals are achieved. Almost 50% of all FedEx spending goes to employee pay and benefits. Many Special Awards to recognize employees performance: i) Bravo Zulu award for outstanding performance beyond normal job expectations. ii) Golden Falcon award for exceptional customer service. iii) Humanitarian Award recognition for human welfare above and beyond work or community standards. iv) Star/Superstar Award a lump sum merit based award for top performers. v) Five Star Awards the highest award for enhancing service, profitability and the spirit of teamwork. Deadly combination and powerful connection are terms to describe the effects of an organization policy of promotion from within on firm performance. But probably not be present in every firm or even most of firms. So the only way that the organization can hope to identify the HR system properly is to adopt system perspective, which means business priorities drive the development of the HRM system. 6. PROFITS AND GROWTH Base on the FedEx second quarters Fiscal 2005 financial report (six months ended November 2004), it shows that FedEx has adapted an effective and efficient HRM system, which has brought up the corporations profit and growth. This is evidential by the following financial analysis:- i) Revenue There is a 23% Revenue growth compare to the last 2nd quarter fiscal year 2004. The revenue has increased from US$11,607 billion to US$14,309 billions in this 2nd quarter fiscal year 2005. FedEx announced that they would expect to have Group Revenue of US$ 27 billions this fiscal year 2005, which is a 9.5% growth. ii) Salary Employee benefits Cost However, in term of Human Resources cost, we can see from the report that it is only an increase of 14%. Compare to 23% increase in revenue. The increase is justifiable. iii) Net Profit FedEx has shown a 212% increase in the Net Income this fiscal year compare with last 2nd quarter, from US$219 millions to US$684 millions, despite the roaring up of oil price, which is also one of the major operating cost, in this year. Their profit result is definitely considered outstanding. iv) Diluted Earning Per Share Obviously, with the high increase of the net income, the diluted earning per share is automatically increase by 210% compare to last 2nd quarter. It is definitely a kind of the positive effect of the HR- Stakeholders value relationship. v) Revenue generated per Employee Based on the US$27 billions Group Revenue generated by the total 250,000 number of employees in FedEx, we will be able to see that the revenue per employee generated is nearly US$108,000. Which is much higher than the world largest package delivery company UPS, who has an annual turnover of US$30 billions and 370,000 employees worldwide, and the revenue generated per employee is only US$81,081. The productivity is much better. This has shown the efficiency and effectiveness of the HRM system. 7. MARKET VALUE From the study of FedEx Corps HRM system, it is undoubtedly that its HRM has strategically adopted high performance work system that creates real shareholder value. Such system has strengthened FedEx HR to become a strategic core competency and have an economically significant effect on firm performance. This also generates the transformation from HRM to human capital management and hence becomes to be a competitive advantage. The consistent increased profits and growth as shown in the companys financial reports has also proved that FedEx HRM has created value and played an important role in the companys achievement and success. FedEx shareholder market value has increased continuously as shown clearly in its financial statements. However, companys HR market value has never been officially computed and shown in the financial statements. Based on the company productivity, FedExs each employee generates revenue of approximately US$108,000 quarterly, which is much higher than the world largest package delivery company UPS, whose per employee generates revenue of only about US$81,081 quarterly. 8. CONCLUSION For FedEx, timing is everything. Delivery on time is essential, and within FedEx, ensuring this performance every time, has meant the transition to systems that provide online, real-time connectivity, bringing improved business processes and increased productivity. With unrivalled logistics solutions, FedEx turned to its Human Resources function, to leverage its competitive advantage. In such a geographically diverse and disparate region, FedEx strives to manage its human capital by minimizing administrative burden and creating a culture of effective self-management. With employees spread across the Region, and in line with its organizations move to an Internet-centric company, FedEx was continuously looking for ways to empower its employees, and allow them to take control of some of their HR functions. Leveraging on PeopleSoft HRMS solution to effectively manage their human capital, it provided FedEx with the scalability and functionality they needed, to enable FedEx to move towards becoming a Real-Time Enterprise. FedEx employees were fully utilizing their self-service functions, and their HR staffs are now free to deliver a more strategic output to the business. They have increased the visibility of HR information to more effectively manage the enterprises most valuable resource human capital. APPENDIX A: BIBLIOGRAPHY Relevant Reference Sites: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Evaluation of the Stakeholder Value Relationship Model Assignment BA361 Human Resource Management Page 2 of 12

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Dialectic Journal for Catcher in the Rye Essay Example for Free

Dialectic Journal for Catcher in the Rye Essay Entry One Quote: â€Å" and all that David Copperfield kind of crap but I don’t feel like going through it if you want to know the truth my parents would have about two hemorrhages a piece it I tell anything pretty personal about them.† (Page 1) Response: This excerpt makes me very curious about his family members. The tone makes me believe that Holden probably is ashamed by them or he doesn’t like them when he describes them as â€Å"crap†. His parents’ attitude toward telling others personal stories is also confusing. It is not clear whether they are the ones inhibiting Holden from telling or not. I predict that Holden is reluctant when it comes to uncovering truths about his life. This quote is important because it gives me background information into Holden’s family life, as well as revealing a variety of characteristics of his personality. From this quote, I could tell that Holden does not have motivation to excel in school and he does not seem to care about getting kicked out. Being the teenager that he is, Holden does not realize the importance of education in his life, thus not caring about the severe consequences. Entry Two Quote: â€Å"He said he talked to Jesus all the time, even when he was driving his car. That killed me. I can just see the big phony bastard shifting into first gear and asking Jesus to send him more shifts.† (Page 17) Response: The quote made me really confused because I do not understand what Holden meant by shifting gear in this passage. However, now I understand that he does not like braggers and fakers. Also, Holden finds it irrational that these people dare to say they follow Jesus. I agree with him. If standing in a parking lot does not make you a car, then going to a church does not mean you are incredibly religious. This also seems to be one sign of Holden’s immaturity. It is very clear that when Holden starts to horse around, he puts an effort into annoying those surrounding him. Entry Three Quote: â€Å"I didn’t care about not seeing the movie anyway Besides, I’d been to the movies before with Auckly and Brossard.† (Page 37) Response: This quote seems ironic to me in ways more than one. Holden normally hates watching movies because he thinks that actors are fake and phony. He also does not like Auckly that much. In this section of the book, Holden does not seem glum and miserable as usual because he is acting like a regular teenager would. Holden’s invitation to Auckly proves that he is caring and sensitive to Auckly’s emotions. He also knows that loneliness is the worst situation so he helps Auckly out of it at least for one night. I also feel as if Holden really did care about seeing the movie because of the tone evolved in his voice. Entry Four Quote: â€Å"He got leukemia and died when we were up in Maine, on July 18, 1946. You’d have liked him. He was two years younger than I was, but he was about fifty times as intelligent. He was terrifically intelligent.† (Page 49) Response: This quote seemed very significant to me. It informed me that Holden had a younger brother named Allie who died from Leukemia. It is extremely clear that when Holden thinks about Allie, all he thinks about is how amazing of a person Allie was. I get the feeling that Holden is very fond of his siblings and has developed a fantastic relationship with them over time, making the death of Allie a major impact on his life. Also, the way Holden seems to be acting in this scene in the book tells me that he has strong feelings for Jane. The way he is talking about Stradlater has a connotation of evilness and mystery as to why he is afraid about Jane. Holden used to be close friends with Jane and he knows things about her that is worrying him about the intimate relationship she might form with Stradlater. Entry Five Quote: â€Å"I was right away sorry I’d said it, but it was too late.† (Page 75) Response: In my perspective, Holden tells these lies because he is used to it, but every time in the end he feels guilty. I think the fact that Holden feels bad about what he has done makes him a mature young man. He recognizes his mistakes and recognizes the horrid feeling of telling a lie. Many people in life have had moments where they have said something and regretted it immediately. This is the exact situation in which Holden was in. Holden had just had one of those relatable moments involving the guilt from saying something harsh and how it immediately affects him. However, he soon realizes that it is unfortunately too late to take back the words he had said. Entry Six Quote: â€Å"The fish-that’s different. The fish is different. I’m talking about the ducks.† (Page 82) Response: In this passage of the book, Holden is thinking scientifically. This supports the fact that he is smart after all, even though he his failing most of his classes. Often times, a teenager wants something so bad, they come up with crazy and somewhat stupid ideas and plans to help them obtain that something. Maybe this is because he does not want to try or maybe he wants to fit in with others who would not accept him if he was smart. In this metaphor, he is comparing himself the ducks in Central Park when the lagoon freezes over. What Holden is really saying is the fact that he would not know where to go if he stays living in a place full of phonies and rude people. The ducks cannot swim in ice and he will not stay in a school full of fakes. Entry Seven Quote: â€Å"She hasn’t felt too healthy since my brother Allie dies. She’s very nervous. That’s another reason why I hated like hell for her to know I got the ax again.† (Page 140) Response: This quote clearly explains how Holden is definitely not the only one who is affected by his brother, Allie’s, death. Holdens mother has gained severe health problems ever since Allie passed away. His mother is also very nervous, and I have come to conclusion that this is probably because she is afraid to lose another child of her own. However, not matter what her reason, Holden is concerned about his mother, and he feels saddened and guilty that his problems will affect her. This seems to be one of the real reasons as to why he does not want his parents, especially his mother, to know about him getting kicked out of school once again. I can relate to Holden in this situation in the fact that there is much pain and struggle that goes on within a family when a tragedy happens. Entry Eight Quote: â€Å"I kept putting my hand over my stomach and all to keep the blood from dripping all over. I didn’t want anybody to know I was wounded. I was concealing the fact that I was a wounded sunuvabitch.† (Page 150) Response: Back in the hotel when Holden caught himself into a fight and became the punching bag for the elevator guy, he pretended to be shot in the stomach. It is worth noting that Holden does the same thing now. I will infer that Holden may have seen this played out in a movie and such a scene became imprinted in his head. Also, this passage is extremely symbolic as to how Holden is feeling. It is very clean that Holden has a ton of issues that are depressing him but he is not showing that among others. I feel as though if Holden received help from a therapist or even a loved one he could excel in life and not have to live in such a tremendous lie anymore. In this depressed state, Holden is looking for much comfort. In some ways Holden proves he has much strength, but in other ways he proves he is a weak liar. Entry Nine Quote: â€Å"Then I took my hunting hat from my coat pocket and gave it to her.† (Page 180) Response: In this quote it is clear that Holden feels attached to it because he is able to recognize the connection he has with it. When he puts on the hat, he feels almost outside of himself and feels like there is someone that understands him. He understands himself even if no one else does. He feels safe when he wears it. The hunting hat is very symbolic to Holden. He wears it whenever he wants to feel protected and loved. It is probably the only object he cherishes. Giving that hat to Phoebe is a terrific example of being the catcher in the rye because he was to protect the children from the severity of life. Among those children, his favorite person is Phoebe, and this is why he chose the hand off the hunting hat to her. Entry Ten Quote: â€Å"but this damn article I started reading made me almost worst. It was all about hormones. It describes how you should look, your face and eyes and all, if your hormones were in good shape, and I didn’t look that way at all.† (Page 195) Response: Holden appears to be sad, lonely, and in desperate need of comforting. Unfortunately he decides to turn to alcohol for comfort. This clearly demonstrates how Holden behaves when dealing with certain issues as well as showing another immature side of him. Holden is originally skinny. He was supposed to be on a certain diet to help him gain weight, but he never eats enough. In fact, he rarely mentions food in his whole novel. His body is not receiving the essential nutrition in order for his body to function correctly, and consequently his hormones are not going to form completely. Many organs in his body will not work correctly, this includes his brain. This is scientifically why Holden will wind up in a mental hospital to seek help with his personal issues.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Gravity By Sara Bareilles | Review

Gravity By Sara Bareilles | Review Sara Bareilles is an American singer, songwriter, and pianist. She grew up in Eureka, CA, and at the age of 18 she moved to Los Angeles, CA to pursue her career (Sara Bareilles). According to She is a graduate of UCLAs Communication Studies Department. While in high school, she performed in community productions and also high school events. Although she was involved in numerous singing acts, she never had any training in either voice or piano. Bareilles has been a songwriter for almost all of her life. Her two first works, Star Sweeper and I Love a Parade, didnt win her any Grammies, but they are a representation of the fact that she has been song writing for a very long time (Sara Bareilles). According to Bareilles biography on, she began to perform in local bars and open-mic nights after she graduated college. After gaining enough confidence to feel comfortable on stage, she began to perform at local venues and musical festivals. She had made a CD, and began to shop it around and eventually signed a deal with Epic Records in April of 2005. A produced by the name of Eric Rosse worked with her the following February to help perfect her record. They worked on the record just over a year. Sara Bareilles second album was titled Little Voice and released in July 2007. Her first single Love Song and the album reached the Top Ten after being released (Sara Bareilles). She has been awarded four Grammies; two in 2008 and two in 2009. Historical Context Gravity was originally written for Bareilles first album entitled Careful Confessions (Careful Confessions). After she was signed to Epic Records and teamed up with Eric Rosse, the single was added to the track list for the album Little Voice. Gravity was written in the early 2000s. During this time there were many events happening which included George W. Bush being president, the major terrorist attack in New York, George Harrison died and the war in Iraq began (United States Timeline). These events probably didnt have much effect on Sara Bareilles reason for writing Gravity. Not much was found for her reasoning, but it was possibly based on past relationship that she has had, or a reflection on either one or multiple relationships. Analysis The overall theme of Gravity is how one can be drawn toward another person in their life, even if they dont want to. Sara Bareilles starts the song by Something always brings me back to you, It never takes too long, No matter what I say or do, I still feel you here til the moment Im gone (lines 1-4). Here she is saying that there is a force that is making her return to someone in little time, and it doesnt matter what she does to stop this or go in a different direction because there is always a feeling that she has that wants to be near, lets say, this man that is drawing her near. The second verse is You hold me without touch, You keep me without chains, I never wanted anything so much, Than to drown in your love and not feel your rain (lines 5-8). When she says You hold me without touch, she is saying that she can feel him even though he is not there. You keep me without chains, means that he can control her without him even trying to. The last two lines can be translated into that she has a strong feeling to want to be embraced in his love and not feel like she cant have it. The reason for this is because when you are drowning, you are fully covered in water, and when you are being rained on, you just get glimpse of water and youre not fully drenched in it. The chorus of the song is Set me free, leave me be, I dont wanna fall another moment into your gravity, Here I am and I stand so tall, Im just the way Im supposed to be, But youre on to me and all over me (lines 9-13). When the song goes into the verse, it seems that the song is switching gears a little bit. She wants to be set free from this force that she is feeling. She doesnt want to be pulled into him anymore. She wants to be her own person without him, but she feels it may be impossible to stop this force. The third verse is You loved me cause Im fragile, When I thought that I was strong, But you touch me for a little while, And all my fragile strength is gone (lines 14-17). She is saying that she thought she was strong enough to not need a man in her life, but she was actually weak, and all the strength she thought she had went away when the man came into her life. After the third verse the chorus repeats. The hook is I live here on my knees, As I try to make you see, That youre everything I think I need, Here on the ground, But youre neither friend nor for, Though I cant seem to let you go, The one think that I still k now, Is that youre keeping me down, Youre keeping me down (lines 18-26). This is the climax of the song. She is explaining that maybe she thinks she needs to have him in her life. He is not a friend or an enemy, but she cant let him not be a part of her life, because he is what keeps her sane. This song goes through multiple ups and downs. The artist seems to not be sure what this man is to her in her life, but in the end she comes to the conclusion that he is what keeps her grounded.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sir Thomas More Essay example -- essays research papers fc

Thomas More was born in Milk Street, London on February 7, 1478, son Sir John More, a prominent judge. He was educated at St Anthony's School in London. As a youth he served as a page in the household of Archbishop Morton, who predecited he would be a "marvellous man."1. More went on to study at Oxford under Thomas Linacre and William Grocyn. During this time, he wrote comedies and studied Greek and Latin literature. One of his first works was an English translation of a Latin biography of the Italian humanist Pico della Mirandola. It was printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1510. Around 1494 More returned to London to study law, was admitted to Lincoln's Inn in 1496, and became a barrister in 1501. Yet More did not automatically follow in his father's footsteps. He was torn between a monastic calling and a life of civil service. While at Lincoln's Inn, he determined to become a monk and subjected himself to the discipline of the Carthusians, living at a nearby monastery and taking part of the monastic life. The prayer, fasting, and penance habits stayed with him for the rest of his life. More's desire for monasticism was finally overcome by his sense of duty to serve his country in the field of politics. He entered Parliament in 1504, and married for the first time in 1504 or 1505. More became a close friend with Desiderius Erasmus (ca. 1466-1536) during the latter's first visit to England in 1499. It was the beginning of a lifelong friendship and correspondence. Th...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Introduction To Human Services Essay -- essays research papers

Introduction to Human Services Jeffrey, "A Human Services Professional is someone who is a facilitator for someone who is not able or not yet able to deal with issues in a healthy way. I am taking classes so that I can learn how to best help empower people change their situation by believing in themselves. I believe that people have the answers within themselves, but may need help getting in touch with their spiritual or intuitive self. As human services providers, we hopefully strive to model healthy behavior, including the fact that we are human, need support from our peers, and can make mistakes." "When a client is ready, we educate them to give them an idea of what is destructive behavior, bring to their attention possible consequences of their actions, and suggest ideas or alternatives. Usually a client already knows all this, they just never knew a better way or thought their way of dealing with life was normal. I work on accepting each person where they are in their life, which takes strength. I may be saying in my mind, 'Can't you see your way out of the prison you're in?', but then I remember that I used to be in the same place, and it took years to find my way out. I still struggle with my addiction, and it still affects me, just not so profoundly." "What I would like to do is work with teenagers. As a teenager, I was befriended by a Young Life leader. He was a man in his 40's and didn't want anything from me but to be my friend. When I drank beer at lunch, he didn't tell me to not drink. I don't remember his words so much as the feeling I got when we were together. He was like a father/friend to me. He seemed to care about me unconditionally. He looked at me like a real human person, which made me uncomfortable, which now looking back, was probably because I wasn't used to that. My own father lived in the same house with me, but he was not emotionally available to me. My own father seemed to think that all women are good for is sex and housekeeping. That scares me when I think of that now. My first husband thought of me only as good for sex, baby making, and housekeeping. I am grateful that I have wised up since then. My passion is to work in the alternative schools as a tutor or mentor, to help give kids some kind of an idea what ... ...ce what I love to do. Is it possible to go to school or receive on the job training? Sometimes where there is a will, there is a way. I know some people who manage apartments, therefore do not need to pay rent for a place to live. They receive financial aid and food stamps while they are in school. What some people do is find out which professions are in demand, or will be in the future. These trends can be found in publications such as government statistical manuals. If there is something you think you would like to explore, maybe you could talk to people who are willing to take the time to explain how they carry out their responsibilities for their work. Bring a list of questions so the person you are interviewing has an idea of what specific aspects of their career you are curious about. People who are happy with their careers are usually quite willing to talk about themselves in this way. I know someone who owns his own business. He began as a backyard mechanic and now ten years later runs a very successful auto repair shop. For him it means long hours, but he is very proud of his accomplishments. He says there is nothing like being your own boss.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Explain what is happening in the passage of pages 120-128 of Wuthering Heights

It is this passage that Cathy realizes that she has made the wrong decision. She shouldn't have married Edgar she should be with Heathcliff. This realization is first saw when she saw her reflection in the mirror. ‘Is that Catherine Linton? ‘ Cathy asks this question because she saw someone that she does not recognize. She used to be a healthy, strong, wild girl and in her reflection she sees a pale, weak and unhappy woman. By seeing her reflection the reader can almost imagine what she is thinking. It seems as if she sees in the mirror her surroundings and realizes that it is her decision that puts her in this position. She chooses to marry Edgar and as a result denies her love for Heathcliff. From a feminist point of view it is a sign of Cathy's empowerment that she has finally realized that she shouldn't have married Edgar for his high social status, instead she should have married Heahcliff to satisfy her own feelings of immense love. It also touches on the fact that in this time period, once Cathy realizes she has made a mistake there is no way out of it, she has no means of escape, she is trapped. Cathy chose this path and as a result entered in to a world of distress and regret. From a moral point of view this passage also emits a strong message. Money and high status is not what makes you happy. You should choose to marry for love else you will end up regretting every minute. Also in this extract Nelly plays a very important role. She is highly unsympathetic to Cathy and she continually makes the assumption that Cathy has invented her illness. From a critics point of view it can be assumed that women during this time period used their frailty as strength to achieve what they want and make it so that they are in control. When Cathy asks Nelly why Edgar has not been to see her Nelly replies ‘the master has no idea of you being deranged, and, of course he does not fear that you will let yourself die of hunger' This is highly unsympathetic of Nelly and also very devious as Nelly has said nothing of Cathy's discomfort and ill health to Edgar, who would surely be worried if he knew. Cathy has further realization in this passage She previously thought that even though people around her hated each other they all still loved her ‘though everybody hated and despised each other, they could not avoid loving me' Although this gives a very self centered naive view of Cathy to the reader, it is true. What ever actions she pursued even if they hurt people they still can't help loving her. For example both Edgar and Heathcliff. She abandoned Heathcliff by marrying Edgar and by doing this ruined both of their lives however Heathcliff still endures undeniable love for her. Also Edgar is aware of Cathy's feelings for Heathcliff yet he still tends to her while she is sick and mourns for her greatly when she dies. This shows Cathy's great power in having control over men so much that they love her whatever she does to them. From a feminist point of view they would greatly reward Cathy for this. Also in this paragraph a complete turn around of Cathy's personality is shown. She is previously such a strong minded, self-confident character however it seem as though she has transformed in to a women with immense paranoia and depression. Not only has she realized that she wants to be with Heathcliff therefore feels regret and sorrow, but the man that she does have to stay with, the man she married, to her, does not care of her mental and physical state because he has not been to see her. She believes that Edgar will be happy to see her gone so that it ‘restores peace to his house' however this is not true. Edgar simply does not know of Cathy's state and this is all down to Nelly. Nelly has not informed Edgar as she believed that Cathy had invented her illness. I do not think that Nelly knows that in doing this she is actually making Catherine's illness worse as it is continually making her more distressed. ‘Tossing about she increased her feverish bewilderment' this paints a visual picture in to the readers head of the true state that Cathy is in. It is as though with time her mental state is quickly turning in to madness that she can't escape. Just like she can not escape her marriage. After this action Nelly realizes what the doctor said during her former illness. She should not be crossed; I think it is at this point that Nelly realizes the true seriousness of Cathy's case. Cathy continues to act with madness. Nelly describes her as ‘violent' which is the precise word judging from her following actions. ‘Pulling the feathers from the rents' Cathy then sorts the feathers according to different species. ‘That a turkeys, and this is a wild ducks and this is a pigeon's' This reference to birds transfers the readers m ind to the past when she was out on the moors with Heathcliff, open and free. The sense of entrapment enters the readers head again. The imprisonment of the Grange can not be compared to the open free moors. ‘Open the window again wide' I believe Cathy wants the window open because she feels this imprisonment and feels like only the wind from the moors can release her. When she opens it ‘the frosty air cut about her shoulders as keen as a knife' A very strong simile is used here because while Cathy feels as though the moors gives her a sense of freedom, this simile enters the feeling of death in to the readers mind by the word ‘knife' It is as if the moors knows that Cathy and Heathcliff can only be together once they are both dead. While looking out of the window Cathy claims that she sees Wuthering Heights ‘that's my room with the candle in it' the reference to the candle being lit is almost a resemblance of Cathy's life. It is though the candle still burns even when she has left Wuthering Heights but will soon die out when she dies herself. Cathy is the first one to make the promise that she will not rest until she is with Heathcliff. ‘I will not rest until you are with me†¦ I never will' so even when later in the book Heathcliff curses Cathy when she has died so that she will not rest peacefully, the reader knows that she does not want to rest without Heathcliff. When Edgar sees what is going on in Cathy's room he is extremely angry at Nelly for not informing him. His ignorance of Cathy's illness is shown ‘Catherine is ill? ‘ By Nelly not telling Edgar she has unknowingly ruined everything between them. Edgar has come too late because Cathy by this time has realized of her mistake. She gave him no glance of recognition' when he took her in to his arms. By this time she is in a different world, she no longer wants to be in this world of the Grange she wants freedom. It seems as if she has true hatred for Edgar. She acts as if it is his fault that Heathcliff and she are together when in fact it is her own fault. ‘You are one of those things that are ever found when least wanted and when you are wanted never! ‘ This shows she is mad that he has not come earlier when in fact it is all Nelly's fault for not making him aware. Catherine talks to him of death and where she wants her grave. This already shows that she has given up. It is as if she has no reason to live because she can't be happy without Heathcliff. ‘My resting place where I bound before spring is over' ‘in the open air with as head stone' this shows her link again with the moors. She wants to be buried there because it is where she feels safe; free and where she experienced the happiest times of her life.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas & the Four Actions Framework Essay

Applying the Blue Ocean Approach December 3, 2012 Problem Statement B-cycle charges an annual fee in range of $50-100 for membership thereby making its offering uncompetitive against mass bicycle merchandizers like Wal-Mart and Target who sell bikes at highly discounted and cheap prices. Analysis Plan/Data Used/Key Assumptions Analysis Plan: We will use the Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas & the Four Actions Framework to assess steps B-Cycle needs to take to stay ahead of its red ocean bike dealership competitor. Key Assumptions: 1. Purchasing a bicycle is a discretionary spend 2. There is a strong market for cheaper substitutes to owning a bicycle Data: 1. B-Cycle charges an annual fee in range of $50-100 (Source: B-Cycle website) for its membership while its usage fee is relatively cheaper in range of $5 for 24 hours to $15 for 7-day rental 2. Mass merchandizers like Wal-Mart & Target dominate Bicycle Dealership & Retail industry, which is a $6.1 billion industry, with 75% market share (Source: IBIS Industry Report) 3. A mass merchandizer like Wal-Mart sells a comfort & cruiser bike at a starting price of $69-88 4. B-cycle charges fees up to $1200 for loss and damage to its bike (Source: B-cycle website) Data Analysis & Conclusions B-cycle annual membership fee is at same price point as the retail price of a comfort or cruiser bike sold by WalMart which makes buying a bike a more tempting proposition as opposed to renting a bike. B-Cycle does not offer liability protection for bike damage and customers could end up paying up to $1200 in damage fees which makes it very expensive proposition compared to owning one’s bike. In order for B-Cycle offering to compete effectively against mass merchandizing bicycle dealership like Wal-Mart, B-Cycle should make its price proposition more attractive for customers so they can rent a bike as opposed to buying a bike. Recommendations to Management Eliminate Membership Fees. Create a loyalty program for its members that rewards members based on usage. Reduce customer liabilities against damage or loss of a bike by offering protection program. Increase locations across the country to gain footprint and market share in the bike rental segment.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

John Stuart Mill: Greatest Happiness Principle Essay

John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarian Philosophy came to be known as the greatest happiness principle. It begs the question; what is happiness? Mill thought that the purpose is life is for the experience of pleasure and freedom from pain and that every action must be measured against this paradigm. Yet just like any other perspectives, Mill’s utilitarianism encounters criticism, one of which focuses on the meaning and realization of happiness. Mill however, conscious of the critique implied in his foundation of morality that humans are higher beings than animals or any other species, therefore have higher faculties and appetites. From this standpoint, the argument that men might choose actions that are irrelevant or offensive to other people in the light of satisfaction is rebuked. The source of pleasure and content of the swine could never be the same as that of a human. There is a given superiority of the mental pleasure over bodily ones among utilitarians, and this he maintains. Any act of men which rightly makes him a lower class of being is assumed to be avoided by the latter, as he would not allow himself to shrink into a lower kind of person or being that he is. He attributes this to a sense of pride, or the love of liberty and independence and dignity which he believes, every man possesses in one form or another. Apart from his notion of human domination over other living things, he nonetheless admits that men are capable of choosing and doing bodily pleasures that may be treated less valuable than another. This is true in instances when men have preferred alcoholism despite the knowledge of its negative repercussions in exchange for men’s bodily pleasures derived from the activity. He contests ergo that such incapacity for the nobler feelings is due to the nature of the latter, like a tender plant that is easily killed by hostile influences especially among the young people when the environment is not favorable to keeping that higher capacity in existence. This idea is perhaps a noble addition to the claims of utilitarianism: â€Å"†¦the happiness which forms the utilitarian standard of what is right in conduct is not the agent’s own happiness but that of all concerned†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This makes the values of utilitarianism compatible to other religious norms which states, â€Å"To do as you would be done by† and â€Å"To love your neighbor as yourself†. Hence, an important policy suggestion emerges in the fulfillment of utilitarian morality code; that laws and social structures must institute ways to make the interest of every individual one and the same as that of the whole; and that the association of one person to the happiness of the others must be realized through the utilization of the power which education and opinion embody. In the end, a few lessons have been learnt from Mill; the notion of the universal happiness; the possibility of harmony of interests; and then necessity of policies for the success of his scheme. The same flow of arguments run in Mill’s speech in 1868 in favor of capital punishment. To him, the punishment by death is most desirable for a person who committed heinous crimes such as murder unless there is a probability that the action was undertaken due to factors outside of the character of the individual. He also looks into the essence of conviction in the community relevant to his, â€Å"practical power depends far less on what it is than on what it seems†. He counters the amendment of capital punishment and the transition to lifetime imprisonment as he believes the former is more effective in the light of preventing the innocent from indulging in similar crimes. What seems to the public a dreadful death accrued in capital punishment is for Mill less important than the implementation of his penal justice which seeks to â€Å"deter by suffering from inflicting suffering†. John Stuart Mill’s principle in the final analysis have contributed much to our understanding of man’s greatest happiness, a justification to existing laws and the value of education. References: Ebenstein, William. â€Å"Utilitarianism. † Great Political Thinkers, 6th Edition. Singapore: Thomson Wadsworth, 2000. Mill, John Stuart. â€Å"Utilitarianism and the 1868 Speech on Capital Punishment†

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Uses Of Vegetable Cooking Oil Environmental Sciences Essay

Vegetable cookery oil is a lipid rich, syrupy substances ensuing from vegetable beginnings, such as thenar meats and seeds, which is liquid at room temperature ( Merryweather et al. 2005 ) . Vegetable cookery oils contain high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids because they do non incorporate carbon-to-carbon dual bonds. Unsaturated fatty acids are classified into two viz. ; monounsaturated ( those holding merely one dual bond in the C concatenation, such as oleic acid ) and polyunsaturated ( those holding two or more dual bonds in the C concatenation ) determines the features of oil ( CAC 1999 ; Mistry and Khambete 2011 ; GEA Food Solutions 2013 ) . There are several types of vegetable cookery oil used for frying in the catering industries including Olive oil, Soya-bean oil, Sunflower oil, Groundnut oil, Maize oil, Cottonseed oil, Mustard-seed oil, Grape seed oil, and Palm oil [ Codex Alimentarius Commission ( CAC ) 1999 ; GEA Food Solutions 2013 ] . As we all know that vegetable cookery oil is basically used for frying operations in the catering industries.1.2 USES OF VEGETABLE COOKING OILCooking oil is used for frying operations at place and the catering industries. The catering industries are the major users of cooking oil for the readying of several nutrient merchandises such as the eggs, murphy, meat merchandises, veggies and related fried nutrients ( Fellows 2000 ) .1.3 Frying OPERATIONS AND THE USE OF VEGETABLE COOKING OIL BY THE CATERING INDUSTRYFrying is a unit operation which is chiefly used to change the eating quality of some specific nutrients listed supra. These nutrients are of import in catering applications and are produced on a commercial graduated table for gross revenues and distribution ( Fellows 2000 ) . There are two types of frying operations known with the catering industry viz. : Shallow sauteing, and Deep fat sauteing ( Fellows 2000 )1.3.1 SHALLOW FryingThis is besides called contact sauteing. This is suited merely for nutrients such as Warren burgers, eggs and other types of Pattie. In this type of frying operation, heat is transferred to the nutrient surface by conductivity from the hot surface of the pan through a thin bed of oil. It has a high surface heat transportation coefficient of 200-450 Wm-2 k-1. However, there is no even distribution of heat across the whole nutrient surface ( Fellows 2000 ) .1.3.2 DEEP-FAT FryingThis is a cooking procedure of nutrients at temperatures between 140 to 180 oC for a few seconds [ German Society for fat Science ( GBFS ) 2008 ] . This method of frying operation is suited for all sorts of nutrients irrespective of their form. In this method of frying operation, heat transportation takes topographic point by a combination of convection within the hot oil and conductivity to the inside to the nutrient. And all surfaces of the nutrient have a similar heat intervention that is equally distributed. The surface heat transportation coefficient of deep-fat sauteing are ranged between 250-300 Wm-2 k-1 before vaporization of wet from the surface begins but subsequently increased to 800-1000 Wm-2 k-1 due to the violent turbulency caused by steam go forthing the nutrient surface ( Fellows 2000 ) .1.4 EFFECT AND LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COOKING OIL1.4.1 EFFECT OF FRYING OPERATION ON THE QUALITY AND SAFETY OF COOKING OILHeat and oil recovery systems are used to cut down energy and oil costs, particularly in the catering industry. Drawn-out warming due to recycle of oil at the high temperatures during frying operations, in the presence of wet and O released from nutrients, causes oxidization of the oil to organize a scope of volatile carbonyls, hydroxyl acids, keto acids and epoxy acids, which leads to unpleasant spirits and dark coloring material of the oil ; perchance could take to toxicity, decomposition and other nutritionary alte rations can every bit good occur in the oil ( Fellows 2000 ) . These can normally take to the formation of volatile decomposition merchandises and non-volatile decomposition merchandises. The volatile decomposition merchandises have lower molecular weight than the oil and are lost from the sauteing pan due to vaporization. While the non-volatile decomposition merchandises are formed by oxidization and polymerization of the cooking oil and signifier residues on the sides and at the underside of the sauteing container. Polymerization in the absence of O produces cyclic compounds and polymers with high molecular weight, which increase the syrupy features of the cooking oil. This lowers the surface heat transportation coefficient during frying operation and increases the sum of oil absorbed by the finished merchandise. Because of this cooking oil quality reduces if used for several times to fry nutrients ( Fellows 2000 ) . Therefore, there is the demand to command the usage of cooking oil in the catering industry to guarantee the safety and quality of fried nutrient merchandises for human ingestion.1.4.2 LEGAL REQUIREMENT FOR THE USE OF COOKING OIL IN THE CATERING INDUSTRYOil is an expensive merchandise ; managing it expeditiously saves processing costs and ensures invariably high nutrient quality for the consumer in the catering industries. In a extremely competitory catering concern, there is considerable force per unit area on caterers to supply first-class merchandises at the lowest possible monetary value, to fulfill consumers ‘ demands. As a consequence, many of these nutrient concern mercantile establishments are going progressively interested in efficient oil direction, which brings two valuable benefits ; maintaining oil ingestion to a minimal and keeping optimal merchandise quality and visual aspect ( GEA Food Solutions 2013 ) . From the above tabular array provided, polar compounds per centum is limited in all the states subjected to official ordinances although the values vary somewhat from one state to another. Apart from the initial standards of oxidized fatty acid and fume point, free fatty acids and polymer content, the most characteristic groups of compounds originated due to the wet of the nutrient and to the high temperature of the sauteing procedure, severally. And many other states have embraced specific recommendations or guidelines based on similar standards which reflect the increasing involvement in the control of used sauteing oils to better the quality and alimentary belongingss of fried nutrients ( Dobarganes and Marquez-Ruz 1998 ) .1.4.4 OIL USE AND MANAGEMENT IN THE CATERING INDUSTRIESMismanagement of oil can do several unwanted alterations in its features, such as the, coloring material which darkens with black musca volitanss looking ; viscousness which increases during frying ; fume po int which reduces as the oil is broken down doing the oil to develop smoke even under normal operating conditions ; sensory which affects the gustatory sensation and olfactory property of the frying oil becomes hapless ; oil pickup which increases with merchandises fried in debauched oil, and foaming, severally. In pattern, caterers adopt the best possible via media based on costs, market demands, oil direction patterns and frying oil stableness ( CAC 2011 ; GEA Food Solutions 2013 ) .1.4.5 MANAGEMENT OF FRYING OILThere is a demand to pull off frying oil for safety and quality interest by the catering industry. Rossell ( 1998 ) suggests as written below: Do non blend used oil with fresh oil ; Shop fresh oil in a suited storage system with equal cleansing modus operandi ; Do non air out oil ; Do non overheat oil during sauteing operation ; Do non salt nutrients before sauteing ; Do non fry wet nutrient ; Do non disrupt circulation of hot oil ; Do non fry nutrient with oil for over 12 hours without been discarded ; Discard WVO suitably and seasonably in the recommended armored combat vehicles such as steel armored combat vehicles and plastic armored combat vehicles specially designed for oil storage. The British Standards ( BS 799 ) portion 5 ( Reference 5 ) set a criterion for steel armored combat vehicles to be used for the storage of WVO ( Department for Environment, Food & A ; Rural Affairs 2011 ) .1.4.6 WASTE VEGETABLE OIL ( WVO ) MANAGEMENTThe term WVO refers to cooking oil which has been used in nutrient in nutrient production, such as sauteing, and which is no longer feasible for its intended usage ( Refaat 2010 ) . Proper disposal of WVO in the catering industry has been an of import waste direction concern, because on one-year footing about 500 million metric tons of WVO is produced by the big and little catering industry. Harmonizing to available statistics, China entirely generates between 200 and 300 million metric tons of WVO that are illicitly reused alternatively of been discarded by the catering industries, which poses a possible wellness jeopardy to the guiltless consumers. The generated waste ( WVO ) must be decently managed ( that is disposed and recycled ) in order to forestall possible environmental pollution ( Zhang et al. 2012 ) . WVO is normally disposed into sinks, taking to blockage of pipes ; and if acquire into the H2O organic structures ( rivers, seas and oceans ) doing the oxygenation of H2O hard. This act of illegal WVO disposal can ensue to asphyxiation and likely the violent death of the marine lives such as the fishes and other animate beings that live in the sea, rivers and oceans. Because of WVO disposal into the H2O organic structures, a individual liter of WVO disposed can pollute every bit much as 1 million liters of H2O ( Refaat 2010 ) . WVO contains about a 1000 portion per million of entire halogens but with the possibility of been recycled and used as a biodiesel if decently managed by the catering industry [ Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ( TCEQ ) 2012 ] . Therefore: Do rub and scraping used home bases, pans and utensils before lavation ; WVO should be stored in labeled containers and/or armored combat vehicles that are in good status ; Keep WVO storage containers covered and off from conditions ; Do non blend WVO with any other liquids, such as anti-freeze, interruption cleansing agent, gasolene, pigment dilutants, pesticides and chemicals ; Obtain all necessary training/education and certification on the direction of WVO from the relevant governments and experts ; Keep records of all WVO storage and recycling activities ; Send WVO for recycling to a registered and certified recycling company ; Do non dump WVO in the rubbish, on the land, or down a drain because it is illegal dispose used oil in that mode ; Do usage strainers in sink stopper holes, and empty contents trapped into the designated bin ; Make keep grease traps and enzyme dosing equipment on a regular basis ( TCEQ 2012 ; Water UK 2013 ) . Recently, it has been established that WVO can be used in the production of low monetary value biodiesel fuel with the possibility of executing really good like any other combustible stuffs ( Refaat 2010 ) . Even though Gbobadian et Al. ( 2009 ) stressed that the concentration of the carbonmonoxide and hydrocarbon emanations were significantly decreased when biodiesel was tested. However, burning efficaciousness of WVO used as a biodiesel remained changeless ( Refaat 2010 ) . More significantly, WVO is a renewable, biodegradable and environmentally friendly biodiesel with promising combustibleness ( Refaat 2010 ; Mistry and Khambete 2011 ) . Biodiesel from WVO can merely be used for energy production if purified decently and met the demand set by EN 12214 Standard. The liquid-liquid extraction method shows assuring consequence ( Berrios et al.2011 ) .1.5.0 REGULATIONS FOR WVO MANAGEMENTThere are many Regulations put in topographic point in UK for proper direction of WVO, fat and nutr ient waste ( Water UK 2013 ) : Animal By-Products Regulations EC 1774/2002 ( ABPR ) ; Building Act 1984, Section 59 ; Environmental Protection Act 1990 ( Duty of Care ) ; Environmental Protection Act 1990 ( Statutory Nuisance ) ; Food Safety Act 1990.1.5.1 Animal By-products Regulations EC 1774/2002 ( ABPR )Regulations EC 1774/2002 ( ABPR ) states that from 1 November, 2004 WVO from providing industries can no longer be used as an ingredient in carnal provender preparation to safe guard the nutrient concatenation. The aggregation of WVO must be through a accredited waste bearer. Besides from October 2007 liquid waste, such as WVO, may non be disposed of at landfill.1.5.2 Building Act 1984, Section 59Section 59 of the Building Act 1984 gives power to local authorization to necessitate satisfactory proviso for drainage of an bing edifice by service of a notice on the proprietor ; including a demand for the installing of a lubricating oil trap.1.5.3 Environmental Protection Act 1990 ( Duty of Care )This Act emphasizes that every commercial premises set uping aggregation and disposal of waste, such as WVO, must follow with the demands of Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act ( Duty of Care ) Regulations 1991 as amended. The aim of the ‘Duty of Care ‘ is to guarantee that all waste is managed right from the point of production to the point of concluding disposal. The manufacturer of waste, such as the catering industry, should merely let ‘Registered waste bearer ‘ to roll up generated for disposal from their premises. Besides, they must maintain a record of all wastes aggregations, because failure to supply paperss can ensue in a ?300.00 fixed mulct or prosecution.1.5.4 Environmental Protection Act 1990 ( Statutory Nuisance )The local authorization ‘s environmental wellness section will cover with all reported ailments of ‘Statutory Nuisance ‘ that could happen due to blow botching, such as odors, wastewaters, garbage accretion and premises that pose menace to human wellness or a nuisance. And where a statutory nuisance exists the local authorization has to function an ‘abatement notice ‘ under Section 80 of the Act. But failure to follow can ensue in prosecution ; or emptying of the waste by the authorization and claim cost from the proprietor of the concern.1.5.5 Food Safety Act 1990This Act gives local authorization the power to inspect premises under the Food Safety Act 1990. Problems originating from the consequence of fat, oil and lubricating oil on drains ensuing in a failure to follow with the Food Hygiene Regulations could ensue in prosecution or an exigency prohibition order forestalling trading from the premises.1.6 DiscussionThe healthiest oil for cookery is one that is composed chiefly of monounsaturated fat. Processed oils incorporating a high measure of concentrated fats are considered the least healthy by most medical practicians, but saturated fats from natural beginnings can hold some benefits. Contrary to popular belief, fat is really a valuable portion of people ‘s diet, leting people to absorb foods that require fat in order to metabolise in the organic structure ( Tricia 2013 ) . Most oils from nuts are considered reasonably healthy, but one should be careful utilizing oil derived particularly from peanuts or walnuts as these are most often indicated in terrible nut allergic reactions. If one plans to utilize insignificant oil on a dish served to invitees, be certain to verify that no invitee has a peanut allergic reaction. Peanut oil contains high sums of monounsaturated fat. Olive oil is considered by some to be the healthiest oil because it provides a mix of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. It can besides be obtained in really pure signifier, which most wellness experts recommend ( Tricia 2013 ) . Deep sauteing between the temperature ranges of 170 oC and 200 oC can take to the formation of Acrylamide when frying particularly starchy nutrient such as the murphies. Besides, there is likeliness that oil will undergo hydrolysis, oxidization and thermic polymerization ( Wai 2007 ) . These reactions can take to some nutrient safety and quality issues that would necessitate attending from the nutrient safety and quality experts. Because hydrolysis of oil is the dislocation of oil complex compounds to glycerol, FFAs, monoglycerides and diglycerides. While oxidization of used oil implies the dislocation of the triglyceride molecules to hydroperoxides ( due to primary oxidization ) , every bit good as into volatile and non-volatile compounds ( due to secondary oxidization ) causation increased in oil viscousity and stain. And thermic polymerisation leads to the production of high molecular cyclic fatty acid ( FA ) monomers ( Wai 2007 ) . Zhang et Al. ( 2012 ) suggested that: Governments should pay more attending to market-oriented policies on WVO disposal and direction towards guaranting developing biofuel from it ; Relevant authorities bureaus and stakeholders should work together to guarantee that the recycle and reuse of WVO and biofuel go a world by seting in topographic point feasible policy and system ; Certain rigorous legal steps and demands should be established by authoritiess to implement and supervise the policy and legal model refering ordinances on the direction of WVO in order to c heckmate the activities of the catering industry. This might cut down and forestall the reuse of exhausted oil ( WVO ) for another unit of ammunition ( s ) of frying operation ( s ) by the catering industry.1.7 DecisionIn decision, with the depletion of universe crude oil militias and the increased environmental concerns, the acceptance and usage of WVO as a biodiesel is timely and would be helpful. The production of biodiesel from WVO offers economic, environmental and godforsaken direction solutions to the catering industry and the greenish blue system as a whole ( Mistry and Khambete 2011 ) . Although before this immense dream of utilizing WVO for biofuel can be a world there is the demand for an integrated attempts between the relevant authorities bureau and the catering industry ( Zhang et al.2012 ) .

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Conceptual and Theoretical Fundamentals of Management Information Thesis

The Conceptual and Theoretical Fundamentals of Management Information in Public Procurement - Thesis Example Organizational Preparedness 82 6.3. Management Information Cockpit and Its Impact on Public Administration Management 85 6.3. Impact of IM Cockpit to Administrative Performance, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Sustainability 88 6.4. Summary 90 Chapter 7 - Conclusion 91 7.1 Contributions of the Thesis 91 7.2 Implications of the Thesis 92 7.2.1 Implications for Theory 92 7.2.2 Implications for Public Administration Organizations and Information Technology 92 7.2.3 Implications for Future Researches 93 7.3 Limitations of the Thesis 94 7.4 Final Conclusion 94 Bibliography 95 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction Private and public partnership (PPP) is a recent phenomenon that seeks to breakdown the traditional barriers existing between the private and the public sector.1 PPP is an arrangement wherein â€Å"public sector bodies enter into long-term contractual agreements in which private parties participate in, or provide support for, the provision of infrastructure, and a PPP project re sults in a contract for a private entity to deliver public infrastructure-based services.†2 Several forms of transactions have been established within the parameters set by PPP and some of which are build-own –operate, buy-build-operate and others. Nonetheless, regardless of the structure of the established partnership what is integral is the rationale behind the partnership and that is to provide quality services to the public with decrease costs and minimal risks on the government. In this regard, the public-private partnership is geared towards creating the social dynamics and mechanisms that will enhance the functioning of the civil society, thus, establish a better rendering of the public goods.3 However, the relationship between the public and the private are not... Several forms of transactions have been established within the parameters set by PPP and some of which are build-own –operate, buy-build-operate and others. Nonetheless, regardless of the structure of the established partnership what is integral is the rationale behind the partnership and that is to provide quality services to the public with decrease costs and minimal risks on the government. In this regard, the public-private partnership is geared towards creating the social dynamics and mechanisms that will enhance the functioning of the civil society, thus, establish a better rendering of the public goods. However, the relationship between the public and the private are not just modified by the phenomenon of PPP, it has also been re-shaped by advancements in technology. Advancements in information and computer technology (ICT) have tremendously affected all sectors of society including the in which the government render its services to the citizenry. People now demand quality service from the government, similar to the services given by the private sector. ICT developments have innovated the concept of service by proving the vehicle wherein 24/7 customer service is available to the public. This development is a welcome change as it provides the venue where the government can reach the citizenry and vice-versa anytime, anywhere.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

None Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

None - Coursework Example - While maintaining a Paris studio, Renoir traveled a great deal, staying in rural spots where living was cheaper - Essoyes, La Rochelle, La Roche- Guyon, Wargemont.16 These peaceful country settings inspired the landscape and stream in the Bathers and in several of the preparatory drawings. Because he was a sociable artist who liked to work with colleagues, Renoir missed the old community of painters. In May, 1884, he drafted a program for "La Socidtd des Irregularistes" that was partly motivated by a desire to re-establish an artistic fellowship. To his disappointment, the society was never formed. - it seems that 1884-87 was a period of experimentation which culminated in the large Bathers. During these years Renoir may have been guided by a theoretical idea of irregularity which contributed to the stylistic diversity of the painting. - Several writers in the literary and musical world are likely to have encouraged Renoirs classicism. Among them, Mallarme was the most notable. In the mid-188os Mallarmd and Renoir became acquainted at Morisots Thursday evening dinners. Morisots correspondence reveals their friendship. - Ingress classical influence can be seen in the structural clarity that Renoir has given to the monumental closed forms in the foreground of The Bathers. His ordering of forms reads as both a bas-relief and a pyramid; triangles relate the two girls at the left as well as the three foreground girls in a relationship of glances, gestures, and leg movements. 10) According to the author, why was Renoir vulnerable to the popular taste of the wealthy class?   Which artists did Renoir, essentially, look to in an attempt to â€Å"sell out†?   How did Renoir try to improve his financial situation?   How did his peers respond to this shift and what was the end result?   (pp. 121-125) Renoirs vulnerability to haut bourgeois taste was necessarily a function of his financial situation. In 1886 and 1887,

Theology College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theology College - Essay Example It must, thus, be completely disregarded as a possible option. The starting point for any consideration of abortion as a solution to a problematic and unwanted pregnancy must be the acknowledgement of God as both the giver and the taker of life. None can, and none should attempt to usurp this role. Indeed, as Bonhoeffer wrote, Destruction of the embryo in the mother's womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life. To raise the question whether we are here concerned already with a human being or not is merely to confuse the issue. The simple fact is that God certainly intended to create a human being and that this nascent human being has been deliberately deprived of his life. And that is nothing but murder.1 As a pastor, however, and as briefly touched upon in the preceding, it need be acknowledge that the young girl must be going through a period of guilt, compounded with despair. These two are probably at the heart of her evident, although unexpressed, partiality towards abortion as a solution. ... Had she or her family been in a position to afford the pregnancy and the child, her situation may not be as problematic as it currently is. This is a fact that I cannot ignore and which I should express sympathetic understanding of. Sympathies and personal sentiments aside, however, theological doctrine cannot be altered or tailored to suit our immediate purposes but need be consistently applied and adhered to, irrespective of circumstances. Theological doctrine asserts the right to life. As Bonhoeffer affirms, "God gives before He demands."3 The implication is clear: the right to life predominates over, and precedes the responsibilities of life. The foetus has a right to life and the responsibilities associate with that life are, although of critically important concern, secondary to the affirmed right. Accordingly, rather than be influenced by the economic and social considerations and concerns that the foetus, as a life, will bring with him/her, the primary influence, and the determinant of any decision made with respect to this case, should be the right to life. The right to life, the value of life, is an integral part of Christian theological doctrine and is affirmed through Soteriology, Christ's Physical Resurrection, and Ecclesiastology. The salvic purpose of Christ's death is an affirmation of life and the right to life; the Christ's Physical Resurrection is a testament to the eternal nature of life, on the one hand, and to the value which Christianity places on bodily life; the teachings of the Church, those being the teaching of Jesus Christ and, the Church's mission, that being the affirmation of Christ's teachings and

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Emotional Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Emotional Intelligence - Essay Example coined the phrase â€Å"emotional intelligence† which they defined as being a type of social intelligence that included the ability to monitor their own feelings and those of people around them. This awareness would allow the individual to use that information to modify their own behavior and speech patterns to greatly increase their chances of successful communication. However the concept of emotional intelligence has been traced back to Edward Thorndike and his work Law of effect research (1911). The key element of Thorndike’s (1911) theory was the idea that in cases where responses are made to a situation, if the consequence of those responses was a positive experience (bringing pleasure) then it was more likely for those responses to be evident again in future similar situations. Conversely those situations that bring about a negative consequence (pain) were not likely to result in recurring responses for future events. Thereby Thorndike offered a positive and negative law of effect. This was the first time that such a theory had been proposed and supported by experimental evidence. His later work on animal intelligence made constant reference to this same theory. For example he noted that in his experiment of a cat in a box that â€Å"gradually all the other non-successful impulses will be stamped out and the particular impulse leading to the successful act will be stamped in by the resulting pleasure†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (1898, p.13). He made similar observations about confined chickens. What he was looking for, or appeared to have identified was a connectionist theory that could explain the mechanism behind reinforcer action. This was an idea that was explored by later researchers such as Hull (1943) and more notably Skinner’s work on reinforcement. Skinner’s (1938) work on reinforcement did address a noted criticism of Thorndike’s work: namely circularity and affect. Thorndike’s aim was to find the underlying mechanism for certain actions – namely

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Exhibition Design Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Exhibition Design - Coursework Example At some points, the ants converge revealing the exact natural behavior of the ants while travelling or in search for food in their natural habitat. There is selection of natural lighting, use of white color for background and black color for the ants that presents a lovable piece of work. The audience gets the mouthwatering appreciation of the long streak of the path taken by the ants and the meandering path taken is the ants are excellently natural. The room equally presents consistent lighting scenario. The lighting presents a scene where all the edges are darker as compared to the inner sections of the wall. The selective lighting creates brighter, popping out the section of the arts while neglecting edges and thus presents a sense of a bigger space in the room. Labeling process for the arts is undertaken at collected points with few words elaborating of source of the art. The labeling is undertaken at a common point. While some arts can appear useless but after reading the attached label on it that the audience appreciates it. All labeling are undertaken are concentrated at certain selected points. The labeling entailed present some materials and arts to be sourced from Ivory coast which also proceeds to highlight on the original application of the communicated art message. Floors are either brown or darks